Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"Winter" Fun

Even though the weather recently hasn't felt like winter, we are technically still in the winter season. I'm glad I don't have to teach Camp about the seasons during this particularly warm winter when the flowers are blooming and the birds are singing. Here are a few shots of little Camper having some winter fun!

Our dude has learned how to rotate himself half way around in the crib!

Our friends, Katherine and David, are expecting a baby in June. They had a Gender Reveal Brunch to share the exciting news of a boy or girl with friends and family. They cut open the cake to show BLUE...it's a BOY!!!
Leigh held Camp so Mommy and Daddy could get some brunch food.

Katherine and David were goofing off with the cake.

Jonathan wore pink and Camp wore blue so we could show our guesses!

Very excited to have another boy buddy to play with soon...our guess was right!

Enjoying the spring-like weather in January...great time for napping in mommy's arms

Camp loves his new Jungle play mat :-)

Living the life
Sittin' pretty in his blue Bumbo (12.5 weeks old)
What a sweetie!

Camp and Webb watched the Super Bowl with their dads while the moms talked about baby stuff! Check out their adorable football outfits.
Can you believe that Camp is only about a week older than Webb? These guys will be great friends for life!

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