Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Half Birthday, Camp!

Dear Camp,
You turned 6 months old on May 11! It is so hard to believe that you are already half a year old. I wanted to push a pause button when you woke up that day because time is going by way too fast. Every day brings new and fun adventures with you though, so I guess we should hit play and just keep enjoying!

 A few things about you at 6 months-

Everyone asks, "Is he always this happy?" You are such a happy, easy-going baby.  You smile the biggest for your mommy and daddy, but you give smiles away pretty easily. You will laugh at just about everything, whether it is actually funny or not. Even at this young age, you get a kick out of me hurting myself and will giggle with every "ouch!" Your laugh is contagious, and I have actually gotten a bellyache from laughing along with you. There are times when you can be cranky. If you are tired, hungry, or need a diaper change, you whine or fuss a little bit. Sometimes you whimper when you want to be held or need a change of scenery. You are still somewhat camera shy, so it can be hard to catch our favorite moments with you in snapshots or video. You still seem very happy to be held by anyone and can easily enjoy time away from me. "Mama" was your first word, but you have since given up on trying new sounds. Traveling suits you well. You sleep soundly in the car and stay content when awake as long as mama can keep passing back toys. I hope you will continue to like sleeping in the car (and your pack 'n play) so we can visit family and friends often.  Thank you for being such a laid-back, easy to please baby.

At your 6 month check-up, you weighed 18 pounds and 10 ounces (75%ile). This time you were able to sit up on the scale! You are 28 inches long (95%ile). Your head has slowed down in growing with a circumference of 45 centimeters (95%ile). Everything is proportional so you are doing great! You wear size 3 diapers, and your clothes right now are 6-9 months. I am glad that you will be able to stay in your car seat carrier and size 3 diapers for a while longer!
Camp at 6 months
You are sitting up all by yourself!!! You were pretty wobbly for a while, and we had a few bumped heads. I still like to put some pillows behind you, but you are doing really well to sit up and play without toppling. You can roll over both ways, but you prefer to roll from your back to stomach. You are starting to prepare for crawling or scooting by putting your bottom up in the air, but you really don't move forward too much.  On your half birthday, you woke up with your first tooth! I didn't even notice it until you were chomping down on my hand, and I felt something sharp. It was really exciting. Then, a week and a couple days later, the second one popped through. I opened your mouth to show some friends your first tooth, and lo and behold, there were two there! You really have been teething like a champ. With tooth #1, there was a lot of drooling and some fussiness in the week leading up to it breaking through, but overall, you have handled these teeth without problems. Yay!
Look at me sitting up!
You are still mostly sleeping through the night. You have one middle of the night wake-up every now and then. Most nights, you go to bed by 8:30 pm, and you wake up between 6 and 7. Napping is your sport, and you do it quite well. You take three naps almost every day. I still lay you down on your back, but you like to roll over to your side or stomach to sleep. Just like any other time, you enjoy having something to bite or suck on when you get prepared for sleep. Usually, it is your blanket. I think you sleep better when the ceiling fan is on, and we are always sure to have the sound machine on "ocean" when you go down for the night (and with naps when we're home). I really love watching you sleep on the monitor.

We started feeding you solids about a week into your 6th month. I will write more about that in a separate post. Your favorite food seems to be sweet potatoes and your least favorite that you've tried is avocado. I got you a really awesome sippy cup for water, but it is not a winner just yet. Either you don't care for the taste of water or you are still adjusting to drinking from a spout. You drink milk straight from your mama's milk machine 5 times a day, and you usually have some veggies or oatmeal with your lunch milk. You drink and/or eat every 3-4 hours during the day. The doctor told us to start feeding you solids two or three times a day, so you will soon be using that highchair and spoon a lot more!
First time eating peas!
Playing and Fun:
Things have really changed in this department in the last couple of months! You are full speed ahead with playing and learning. Now that you're sitting up, we are playing with blocks and rolling balls back and forth to each other. So you are mostly just chewing on the blocks, but you can also knock down the towers that mommy and daddy build for you. Another new thing you've tried this month is swimming! We took you to your great aunt Kit's house downtown and dunked you underwater for the very first time. You were mostly just shocked by that part, but you enjoyed mommy "swimming" you through the water. I got you a neat blow-up pool with a toy bar to play in at our house. Everything is a toy and/or teether to you, and you absolutely love water bottles, Solo cups, and anything with a tag. Your favorite book now is Such a Silly Baby by Steffanie and Richard Lorig. It is a library book, but I am going to buy a copy for you since it makes you laugh and smile every time I read it. You love taking a bath, playing in your exersaucer, and watching Daddy's computer screensaver. Another favorite thing to do now is bounce on someone's knee while singing "Ride the Horsey" or "This Is the Way the Lady Rides." If you happen to be a little unhappy, I can quiet you down by singing "The Wheels on the Bus." You will stay happy as long as I keep singing more verses. Every night during the week, we try to watch "Wheel of Fortune" as a family. Your eyes light up and you stay focused on those puzzles like you're really trying to solve them. You get that from your Mommy. You do not like your show to be interrupted by commercials. You get that from your Daddy. It is so amazing that you already have so many interests and enjoy so many different things. I hope your love for adventure and trying new things will last a lifetime.
Our favorite puzzle on "Wheel"
Happy boy

In your short life so far, you have already made us very proud.  I have a hard time thinking about how fast you are growing up, but every month with you seems to get better and better.  I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck, all the time, forever and ever.
These blocks did not stay set up for long!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday is Mother's Day! I can't believe that I am included as one of the "mothers" that is celebrated on this day. A lot of people wished me a "Happy Mother's Day" last year when I was pregnant with Camp, but now there is no doubt that I can participate as a mom!

First few minutes as a mom!
 Being a mommy is totally awesome, and I'm not just saying that because my son's first word was "mama."  Even though I'm still relatively new to being a mother, I am overwhelmed by the significance of this title.  I have always been extremely grateful for the moms in my life, but I have a whole new perspective on this now that I am a mom, too. Motherhood is a huge change and adds a LOT of responsibility (and new worries) to your life, but it is also a truly amazing piece of my life. It's hard to believe that my mom has been doing this for 30 years, but she is living proof that your heart will not actually burst from loving your child too much. I can now appreciate my mom, stepmom, and mother-in-law in a different way. I am starting to know how exhausting, time consuming, and stressful (while at the same time the most incredible and heart-warming experience) raising a child can be, and I'm so glad for all they have done for me (and those other kids they have).  These moms are amazing, strong, talented, kind, and loving women who have been role models for me. Now, I'm one of them.  They have perfectly prepared me for my most important job. Happy Mother's Day to Mommy, SherBear, Mary Martha, and all the phenomenal mothers in my life!!!
Nonna and Camp
SherBear and Camp
Mimi and Camp

Celebrating at my baby shower with my mom, mother-in-law, and "adopted" mom, Kathy!          

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our Week with Abbie

My not-so-little sister, Abbie, visited this week while Jonathan has been out of town. I was so excited that she finished up with school for the year and was able to spend a few days with us in the lowcountry. It was the most time we've ever spent together just the two of us (well, technically, Camp was here too), and I LOVED every minute of it.
We shopped, lunched, and watched some girly TV. We rented a "chick flick" and ate popcorn together after Camp went to bed. One of my favorite things we did was to make a dessert we found on Pinterest. We combined chocolate chip cookie with a Reese's Cup in a brownie. I even came up with a name for the tasty treats: Triple Threat Brownies. If you're lucky, I'll do a separate blog post on those yummies so you can make them at home ;-).

It was especially wonderful to have Abbie here to help with Camp.  She is great with him, and it is obvious that he loves her. Aunt Abbie made my job so much easier this week! Thank you sweet sister for coming to visit and helping with the baby. I had a lot of fun with you, and I will always be grateful for the special time we got to spend together. WE LOVE YOU!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Camp's First Word

On this first day of May, 2012, John DeCamp Howell said his first word!!! After working on the "m" sound with strings of "mamamama" and "mmmm" during the last couple of months, Camp spoke out "mama" clear and with purpose this morning. He was ready to be out of his Exersaucer and only his mama could help him out with that! He actually said it a few times because I was trying to get food in the Crock Pot and couldn't get to him fast enough. Also, I just wanted him to say it again so I could be sure that he really said it. I picked that baby up and hugged him tight with a few tears streaming down my face (partially due to the chopping of onions) as I beamed with joy. BEST. FEELING. EVER! 
Here's a video I took today of Camp (5.5 months) attempting to say "mama" again, but of course he didn't want me to have proof of his first word! He did want to show off his little rolling over trick though :-)