Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our Week with Abbie

My not-so-little sister, Abbie, visited this week while Jonathan has been out of town. I was so excited that she finished up with school for the year and was able to spend a few days with us in the lowcountry. It was the most time we've ever spent together just the two of us (well, technically, Camp was here too), and I LOVED every minute of it.
We shopped, lunched, and watched some girly TV. We rented a "chick flick" and ate popcorn together after Camp went to bed. One of my favorite things we did was to make a dessert we found on Pinterest. We combined chocolate chip cookie with a Reese's Cup in a brownie. I even came up with a name for the tasty treats: Triple Threat Brownies. If you're lucky, I'll do a separate blog post on those yummies so you can make them at home ;-).

It was especially wonderful to have Abbie here to help with Camp.  She is great with him, and it is obvious that he loves her. Aunt Abbie made my job so much easier this week! Thank you sweet sister for coming to visit and helping with the baby. I had a lot of fun with you, and I will always be grateful for the special time we got to spend together. WE LOVE YOU!!!

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