Thursday, February 28, 2013

Camp is 15 Months Old!

Another three months has come and gone, and...Camp is 15 months old! I continue to fall more and more in love with this little guy as he changes from a baby to a walking (and almost talking) toddler. He is truly a sweetheart.
Little Man
 A few things about Camp at this great age:

Camp is fun, fun, fun! He laughs at silly things, and he laughs really hard at his parents or grandparents doing silly things. He enjoys being with others, but he also likes some time to himself. He is now waving to everyone, everywhere. He even waves to airplanes...when we're inside. Such a friendly little man. When he's not such a happy camper, he has learned to throw little tantrums. They don't last long (yet), but it's pretty loud and obnoxious. I did notice that the tantrums also seem to coincide with teething. I totally understand that situation, so I'm okay with it. When he's not too upset, he is affectionate, loving, sweet, and full of energy.
This smile lights up my world.
At his 15 month checkup, our dude was 34.5 inches long (off the charts for percentile)! He was 25 pounds and 10 ounces (90th%). His head circumference was 48.5 cm (95th%). Camp is wearing 18 months size clothes, but most of those are just about too small. We'll be looking for 24 month and 2T outfits for the spring and summer. He's still wearing size 4 diapers. He still fits in his size 5.5 shoes. It's definitely a workout to carry him around for any period of time!

Over Thanksgiving (a few weeks after his 1st birthday), we went to see Jonathan's parents in Augusta. When we arrived, Camp was mostly crawling. When we left, Camp was mostly walking! Now, he pretty much just runs everywhere. He can safely crawl up and down stairs. He is pretty cautious after taking a few tumbles. I have started teaching him how to do a somersault. He loves that! He still loves to dance, and he will move to anything with a beat.

Along with his gross motor skills, his fine motor skills are really developing as well. He can open doors with level handles and likes to lock them too. Oh boy! He is starting to use a spoon to feed himself, and he has gotten pretty good at brushing his own teeth. He can scribble with a crayon and the pen on his Magna Doodle. He can tee a golf ball on his Little Tykes golf set, and he can almost screw on a cap to a water bottle.

We have been working to teach Camp some sign language, and he has taken well to it! He is so determined and serious about communicating with us. He uses signs for "more," "please," "milk," "thank you," "all done," "clean," "chew." He is on the verge of saying some real words. I am pretty sure he will just be talking one day and skip the one word at a time thing. When asked, he points to several different body parts. He knows "head," "hair," "nose," "toes," and "stomach/tummy." I think he gets "mouth" and "ears" too. Camp is starting to point out different pictures in books and will reach or point with a grunt for lots of different things. He has excellent receptive language and comprehension. We're pretty certain he's a boy genius.

The alligator is working on two bottom molars. He just got two of his top molars in, so these new ones will make a total of 12 teeth. If you ask him to show you his teeth or molars, he will open up his mouth wide and say, "Aaaaah."
Salad spinning with Nonna
Camp's sleeping is about the same for a while now. He still takes a morning and afternoon nap (yay!), and sleeps at night from about 8 pm to 7 am. A couple times a week, he will not take a good morning nap, but generally he still needs it. He enjoys reading his books in his crib before he goes to bed and when he wakes up. It's a nice little transition time for all of us.
Post-nap hair
The boy can eat! He usually eats a huge breakfast, a small or regular size lunch, and a "regular" size dinner. He now drinks all cow's milk (whole) with each meal. He has water and some small snacks during the day as needed.  He generally eats whatever we are eating, but he doesn't care for chicken (unless it's chicken nuggets) or red foods like strawberries or tomatoes. He loves blueberries, yogurt, deli turkey, string cheese, green beans, sweet peas, and biscuits.
open wide!
Fun and Games:
The biggest new thing Camp likes to do is play outside in the yard. For now, he has a golf set, a mini basketball goal, swing, and a few balls. We really want to get him some kind of climbing apparatus or slide set. Other things he loves to do are climb up on the couch, crawl up and down stairs, run around and be chased, throw balls, and ride his tractor scooter. Camp still loves to play with remotes, cell phones, flashlights and laptops. Every night before bed, he enjoys his bathtime. He usually wants to play longer than we're willing to let him, but I'm so glad he is happy to take a bath! Dancing is another favorite activity. Whenever a commercial is on or a cell phone rings, he is dancing with a huge grin. That might be my favorite thing to watch ever. He has become pretty keen on looking at his board books alone, but he will only sit still for a few moments to have one read to him. We really enjoy hosting or  going to playdates with other children.  He recently joined in a game of football with the older boys at a park playdate. It was neat to see him running around with the three and four year olds. He is even learning to share!
Loves balls and his rocking chair

Jumping on the trampoline for the first time with cousin, AvaRose!

Happy Little Camper

Dearest Camp,
Every time I blink, you are bigger, smarter, and cuter. Your daddy comments all the time about how cute you are in the adorable things you do. All of your grandparents simply adore you and think you are so well-behaved, smart, and fun. I am so proud to be your mommy. Thank you for being such a cool kid and making my life complete. I love you more than my favorite tv shows and french toast.

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