Dear Camp,
You are now ten months old and still the most adorable, smart, and sweet baby boy in the world! I continue to be overwhelmed with the joy of being your mommy. You surprise me with something new every day, and it has been so fun to see you learn and grow. Your first birthday is coming up really soon, but I want to treasure every little minute that you're still a "baby."
A few things about you at 10 months-
You can be friendly and happy with other people, but you definitely prefer your mom or dad to be around. The caretakers in the nursery at church tell us that you are very fussy for them. You are starting to "talk" more and more. Some of that talking is more like whining. You are very determined, and you get pretty upset when you don't get your way or can't do something. If we take away something you are interested in (like our laptops, phone, or other kid unfriendly items), you are just so mad. We have to be ready with an enticing replacement so you can find happiness in something else. Sometimes your talking is just friendly and quite adorable. You smile a lot and love being tickled. Adventure should be your middle name. You are on the move and continue to explore with your hands, feet, and mouth.
Looking a little goofy! |
We don't have any official measurements this month. You still wear size 3 diapers, but your 9 months clothes are pretty snug. In one piece clothing like sleepers and rompers, you wear size 12 months. We have started shopping for your first pair of walking shoes, and you'll need a size 3 for your big feet! I think we might even need to get them in a wide fit. Your new carseat is waiting to be installed because you will very soon outgrow your carrier bucket seat (and mommy can barely lift you into the car in it).
Getting kind of big compared to your owl friend |
After a couple of months of army crawling, you finally figured out the hands and knees crawl. I am impressed with how fast you can move. Your balance and cruising has really improved. You can walk around the furniture easily, and you will stand up while only holding on to something with one hand. Sometimes you just use your belly to lean against the table so both your hands are free to play. We have continued working on the clapping and waving skills, but you are still waiting for the right time to show off these tricks. (Note: You have waved a few times, but you are super selective on this talent.) As you are starting to talk more, you have developed several new sounds and are making new mouth/tongue movements. I now hear you say the "n" sound, and I'm pretty sure you have made the "b" and "l" sound a few times. I expect you to say, "Gamecocks" any day now. You still have 6 teeth! No more teeth have popped through in two months, although I have suspected some teething lately.
You don't stay still for long! |
On our last trip to see your Augusta grandparents, you slept in your own room and did great! When we went to the beach with your Gaffney grandparents, you were in our room and did not sleep very well. At home, you have been consistently sleeping through the night (knock on wood). There were about 4 days in a row when you were waking up at 5:30 am ready for the day to start. That is just too early, son. Generally, you are a great napper! Your two naps are around 9 am and 2 pm, and you will usually nap for 1-2 hours. At night, you sleep from 8 pm to about 6 am. If we are in the car for more than 15 minutes, you take a little car nap. You are just like your mama in that way.
Now the fun with food has begun! You are still nursing 4 times a day for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner/bedtime. For each meal, you eat a variety of solid foods. The majority of your foods now are finger foods, but you still enjoy some mushy/pureed foods, too! Your newest favorite is thin-sliced deli turkey and blueberries, but you have not given up on your sweet potato love. For breakfast, you usually eat oatmeal with breastmilk (and often some mashed bananas) or a whole grain waffle and fruit. We have just started feeding you yogurt, and you seem to enjoy that just fine. At lunch, you like to eat turkey, frozen (or thawed) peas, string cheese, whole grain bread, and applesauce. Dinner is really fun because you can sometimes try what Mommy and Daddy are eating! Also, you like dinner because Daddy will feed you most of the time. For dinner you like to have chicken or beef sausage, sweet potatoes, whole grain bread or waffle, shredded cheddar cheese, and quartered grapes. With each meal, you drink a LOT of water from your sippy cup. You are a master of the sippy cup. We had to cut back on the water you were drinking at dinner because your diaper could not hold it all at night! So far, you are really happy with just water so we haven't given you any juice (except a while back when we tried diluted prune juice to keep you regular). We don't let you have snack food very often because we don't want to ruin your meals with snacking, but as we are getting your meals ready, you like to have Cheerios, puffs, or whole grain Goldfish. It is nice to have these types of treats available when were are out and about because they will keep you happy and quiet. With all the big boy food you are eating, you are starting to show a little less interest in your mom's milk. It won't be much longer until you can start drinking cow's milk! Yum yum.
Delicious lens cap |
Playing and Fun:
You are starting to get a little bored with the toys and equipment we have already. You don't really like being in your exersaucer much anymore, and your happy time in the walker is limited. Pushing and walking with your hippo toy is okay, but you still prefer to walk around the coffee table or sofa on your own. We play with your little wooden alphabet blocks almost everyday, and your favorite thing to do with them is put them in a bowl and shake them all out! At 10 months, you love to dig in the diaper bag or any kind of container and pull out all the contents. You also enjoy playing in the kitchen drawers and cabinets. Just about daily, you will attempt to get into the trash can or the toilet, and I always have to say, "No!" You do not like being pulled away from these treasures. We have been on several playdates, and you are learning how to play with other babies. One of the best times was a playdate with a group at the pool. There was even a shallow baby pool with mushroom showers! Recently, we have gone to a few different playgrounds. You absolutely adore going down the slide with my help. The smile on your face is always so big when you get to the bottom. Just like you loved your baby swing, you really enjoy swinging at the park. I am so glad you have fun on the playground and being outside, and it won't be long before you can get full use of all the equipment!
I could go on and on all day about you, Camp. My love for you is immeasurable, kind of like the love Jesus has for us. I worry about you all the time, but I put those worries in His hands. You are His little one, and He will take care of you and us. Your Daddy and I are so proud of you already with how much you can do by yourself and how good you are for us. Have I mentioned how loved you are by your grandparents, family, and friends as well? You are certainly blessed, Mr. Buttlesworth.