A few things about Camp at 9 months-
This kid is the life of the party. Everyone just adores him and comments on his big personality and many adorable facial expressions. Camp loves showing off, and you know it makes him happy because he grins the biggest grin when he's getting the attention. He continues to have some separation anxiety and just loves, loves, loves his mama.
This month, Camp measures 30 1/4 inches long (99%) and weighs in at 20 pounds 12 ounces (70-75%). His head circumference is 46 cm. His 9 month onesies and shorts still fit well, but he's pretty much wearing size 12 months in pajamas and shortalls. He is wearing size 3 diapers. I have no idea what his shoe size is now, but I'll have to find out soon because he's gonna need some walkin' shoes!
9 months laundry basket picture |
Camp has perfected the army crawl. Sometimes, he will get up on his hands and knees in position to crawl, but he will just plop back down on his belly to move. He can pull up to standing on just about anything, and he is climbing stairs now too! Camp has gotten pretty good at cruising the furniture as he will take several steps along the couch or coffee table while holding on tight. He likes to walk around with mommy or daddy holding his hands. He thinks he is such a big boy and is just so proud of himself.
As far as language development goes, Camp's only word is still "Mama." He babbles some in the early morning and late afternoon/evening, but he is not much of a talker. He does laugh some, holler some, and make silly noises often. Although he doesn't produce a whole lot, his language intake is great. He knows his name and understands (but does not always follow directions with) "no!" He was even able to open and close the door when we told him to do so. Of course, he's the smartest baby we know ;-)
Camp now has 6 teeth! Two bottom teeth and four top teeth really make him look older. They also mean that his bite is a lot more vicious. Be sure to protect your toes and watch out when he gets sleepy. We have not gotten in a good habit of brushing his teeth yet, but we will be making it a part of his daily routine two times a day. Gotta keep those chompers nice and clean!
The popular "Let's eat the sign" photo moment |
Can't |
Stay |
Still. |
We are down to two (and sometimes on stubborn days just one) nap each day. Lately, Camp has been resisting the naps, but he is still very sleepy and definitely needs the rest. With suggestions from the moms of Facebook and confirmation from the pediatrician, we are now letting him fuss it out. We thought perhaps the nap strike came about as he learned how to stand up in his crib, but his doctor tells us that it is mostly related to separation anxiety.
Camp still sleeps with his sound machine on the ocean setting. We enjoy it just as much as he does. I gave up on wrapping him in his blanket a while back as he was too wiggly, so I just cover him with his blanket now. I lay him down on his back and he promptly rolls to his stomach to sleep. At night, he generally sleeps from 8 or 8:30 until 6:30 or 6:45 the next morning. As we have traveled and been with family a lot in the last month, he developed a wacky sleep schedule and was waking up in the middle of the night or super early in the morning. This was exhausting and triggered flashbacks to his newborn days. We are sticking with the fuss it out mentality on this now as well. Camp and I say a little prayer each night for good sleep, and I always remind him to wake up with the sun and not before. Definitely still working on that lesson.
So fresh and happy after a nice morning nap |
I am still nursing the little guy four times a day, so he is getting plenty of mommy milk! Jonathan is really happy because we have moved on to feeding Camp from his favorite food group: MEATS. Camp had his first meat, chicken, a couple of weeks ago. He has enjoyed having that new paleo component to his daily intake. His other food firsts lately have been Cheerios and pizza crust. He loves picking up these finger foods and feeding himself. I showed him how to use his thumb and index finger to pick up the morsels, and he was able to do it really well in only a few tries. He usually uses his left hand, but he will alternate at random. Also, Camp has gotten more skilled at drinking water from his sippy cup. It might be considered more of a
Ready for lunch wearing his new Wade's bib from Nonna |
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First pizza crust at Cici's Pizza |
Everything is a toy. Everything is a game. I chase Camp down the hallway growling "Mommy Monster" as he squeals and races away from me. He loves sitting up on my shoulders and riding around. He laughs when his daddy plays peek-a-boo with him. Our newest learning-type activity is chanting "Up" and "Down" as I move objects and sometimes Camp himself up and down. One of his favorite toys is the trash can. He studies things. He explores new places and crawls or climbs everywhere. I need more videos of him with these stunts. I have a hard time getting good footage because I need to keep my hands free to catch him when he finally falls over. We put up baby gates and outlet covers, but we are still running around after him as he finds more and more "holes" in our babyproofing measures. Next on the to-do list is installing latches and moving around kitchen wares because he's become a pro at getting into drawers and cabinets. Don't worry, I will leave him a cabinet and drawer with little man friendly items. I'm just glad he's so easily entertained.

Dear Camp,
I wish I could record every minute of the day with you. Watching you play and eat and sleep is life's best full-length feature. You are simply amazing. One of my favorite things about being your mommy is the way you react when you see me after I've been gone for just a little while. I can tell you love me so much, and it just makes me happy. I hope that in the months to come you'll be pleasant and content even when I'm not there with you. I want you to keep loving me as much as you do but to share that love with your daddy, our family, friends, caretakers, stuffed animals and your bed.
Love (plus all the hugs and kisses you can handle),
P.S. What kind of party do you want to have for your first birthday?
So sweet!
ReplyDeletelove it!! he is growing so fast. while it's hard to let go of the baby, there is so much fun in store. what a neat kiddo!