Friday, April 19, 2013

Quick 17 Months Update

Camp turned 17 months old on April 11! Here's a really quick review of what's going on with the little guy this month:

*When he gets out the scale from our bedroom closet and stands still enough on it, it says he weighs about 30 pounds. I don't think he's quite that heavy, but I sure would be happy if my scale was a little off on the high side!

*He's wearing mostly 24 months and 2T clothes. He can still wear size 18 months in pants or shorts.

*Camp's talking! His vocabulary includes several words that are pretty clear: duck, ball, please (along with his signing it), cheese (when smiling for the camera), and blue. He also has been saying, "tickle, tickle, tickle." He's our very own Tickle Me Elmo.

*We are down to one nap a day. He usually wakes up now around 8 am, takes a nap around 2 pm, and goes to bed about 8 pm. I really like our new schedule, and Camp seems to thrive on it.

*He is no longer a fan of peas (sorry, Pam).

*Camp LOVES to be outside! He has gotten very skilled at climbing on playground equipment and going down different sized slides. He usually goes down feet first on his belly, which is very safe. He is mostly cautious when crawling down stairs and coming down slides, but he is quite the daredevil with climbing and standing on chairs and couches. Other things he enjoys outside are playing with his basketball goal and balls, playing with his golf set, riding on or pushing anything with wheels, and just plain running around. I can't wait to take him to the Sprinkler Park/Splash Pad at Wannamaker Park next week!

That's all for now. I'll try to have more details (mostly for the grandparents) for his 1/2 birthday in May when he'll be 18 months old (what? no!) and hopefully have more exciting things to report.

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