Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sossamon Family Beach Trip

 Last week, we were lucky enough to visit my dad and family at North Litchfield. You'll remember our first trip there as a family of three was in March, so the temperature wasn't quite warm enough then for enjoying the sun and surf. On this trip, Camp got to really experience the whole beach thing.

 The first day, we made the mistake of putting Camp down on a small towel on the sand. He went straight for the tasting of the dry sand. He was not a fan. The second day, we got smart and put him down in the middle of a big beach blanket with a bunch of new toys. Now, we were getting somewhere. He played for quite a while with the empty watering can. He was very content on the shore. He wasn't so sure about the waves though.
*Note: We had to keep his hand wrapped to protect his burns, and we protected the wrap with a baggie and Gamecock Duct Tape to keep out the sand and water.

Camp was trying to climb on mommy to get out of the water.

 On our third and final day there, Camp really settled in as a beach bum.  He played for quite a while under the shade of the umbrella with his shovel, watering can, and sandcastle molds. Then, we sat together in a very shallow tide pool. Naturally, he ate the wet sand, too. Now that's a taste he seemed to enjoy. Jon came in from the waves and joined us in making drip castles. It was a good time had by all!

Just chillin' with my dad, eating sand.

Word up!
We headed home on Saturday morning to get back in time for a friend's wedding. My dad was adamant that we get a family photo. Also, I need to give him credit for taking all of these wonderful shots during our trip. Thanks for the memories everyone!

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