Sunday, May 31, 2015

Savvie at 11 Months

Sweet Savvie turned eleven months old on April 28. She is absolutely precious. I could just look at her all day. I'm so blessed that she is mine.

Savvie is still a little hesitant when dropped off at Sunday School, but she is calmed fairly quickly. She is definitely getting to be more independent around the house. And she LOVES big brother. She will follow him everywhere and do whatever he does. She is friendly to everyone giving waves and smiles. She will put her head down bashfully when she gets attention. I love that she is *mostly* relaxed and chill now. She is less of a "cry baby" when she gets hurt, and she rarely fusses.
love her barefoot sandals from the Todd family :)

I really don't know. I estimate she is maybe 20 pounds. Savvie still wears size 3 diapers. She is wearing size 3 or 4 shoes. Clothes size is 9-12 months for most thing. Most people say she is tiny and a little peanut.

Baby girl has taken her first steps! She has walked 3 or 4 steps at a time. Usually she has had a toy or her lunchbox in her hands when she shows off her trick. Savvie has two bottom teeth. She is just so cute with her little chompers. She doesn't say any words but is starting to put more consonants and vowels together. She does say "mamamama" and "dadadada" and "babababa" but not really with meaning. 

I am so happy to report that she has continued this month to be a good sleeper. Savvie likes to suck her thumb a little bit as she falls asleep and cuddle up with her swaddle blanket. She goes down easily around 7:30 pm and sleeps until 7 or 8 am. She takes two naps during the day, usually around 9 am and 2 pm for about an hour each. I wish she would wake up happy and play a little in her crib, but she doesn't do that yet. I guess she is just eager to be among her people.

Baby girl has started being a little bit picky on her foods. She still eats a lot of stuff and a large quantity though. She loves all fruit and most vegetables. Her favorites now are grapes, strawberries, blueberries, frozen peas, and green beans. She also eats bread, crackers, and most meats. She will spit her food out if you put something new on her plate so she can taste the next food. Some typical breakfast foods are pumpkin oatmeal, banana, peanut butter sandwich, or eggs. For lunch she likes turkey or peanut butter sandwiches, blueberries, and carrots. At dinner, she will usually eat whatever we are having. She still won't eat rice or pasta. Savannah loves her water throughout the day. She will take a few sips here and there from a big girl cup. She usually begs for it. We are nursing four times a day. She doesn't seem to care that much about it, but I'm still enjoying it for the sweet snuggles and availability/ease.

Fun and Games:
Savvie loves when we sing "Old Macdonald" during her wild diaper changes. She likes looking at books sometimes. I think eating is probably her favorite thing. She still usually enjoys bathtime (but hates when daddy does it). Her favorite toys right now are the Cozy Coupe, her "S" lunchbox, Camp's rocking chair, the toilet and its water (ewww). She really loves opening cabinets and drawers and taking things out of them. Savvie still enjoys being worn in the Ergo, but she won't fall asleep in it anymore. She loves to dance and do anything her brother is doing.

Dear Mookie,
You are such a happy baby and fun to be around. You are so easy going now. Your relationship with your big brother just makes my heart jump for joy. The way you love each other already is beautiful. You are beautiful. You look so cute and sweet in your spring dresses and bows (even though you take them out constantly). I can't believe you are almost ONE. Let's keep doing a great job being such a great baby! I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

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