Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ten Months Savvie Style

Y'all. She's ten months old. Our little Savannah Kathryn turned ten months on March 28. She is a little spitfire. Here are the details:

Some separation anxiety has set in. Savvie is a big time crybaby now when we leave her with the sitter for community group or in the nursery at church. Speaking of the nursery, she moved up to the Octopus room with the crawlers and early walkers. She's so advanced. (hehehe) But of course I was NOT ready for her to change rooms because that's just another sign she is growing up <tear>.  Sometimes after leaving her she will calm down. Sometimes she is just quite fussy. Cheerios tend to help. Yay emotional eating! Other than the separation thing, SK is quite delightful. She's fairly high maintenance and definitely loves attention, but I think she's a star in the making!

She weighs in around 18 lbs 12 ounces so she has gained over a pound since the last update. I guess she is still about 29 or maybe 30 inches. She doesn't seem to be getting taller really. Everyone comments that she is tiny! Savvie wears size 3 diapers and mostly 9 months (but some 12 months) clothes. She is wearing a size 3 shoe in hopes she may walk soon- she is getting heavy to carry!

Baby girl has some awesome gross motor skills! She crawls and cruises everywhere and fast. Her newest favorite thing is climbing up on the seat in Camp's Cozy Coupe and standing to reach the table. She has also climbed on Camp's rocking chair and up onto the coffee table. Savvie has two bottom teeth! So far she has only bit me a couple of times. Whew. I think our girl has been talking/babbling more too. She mostly makes the "b, d, m" consonant sounds with a lot of "aaah."

Thank Heavens and Praise Jesus that Sweet Savvie is finally sleeping through the night!!! It's the best thing ever, sleep is. She sleeps from about 7:30 pm until 6:30 or 7 pm. Finally at 9 months, I just let her cry it out a little. I dropped the middle of the night feed but would go in her room and comfort her, sometimes rocking her, change her diaper and put her back down. She cried some but not too long, and after a few days of this, she was pretty much sleeping straight through! Hooray :-) We are still doing pretty well with two naps. The morning nap is iffy as it always has been, but I generally get a decent hour out of her between 2 and 3 pm. 

Savvie is eating three regular table food meals a day plus usually an afternoon snack. She generally loves turkey, peanut butter sandwiches, whole wheat bread, corn (LOVES it), french fries, blueberries, bananas, crackers, Cheerios, applesauce, broccoli, peas, green beans, and carrots. The girl is not quite as happy about pasta or rice.  She loves drinking water from a big girl cup (usually a straw cup or Wow! cup as she didn't do too well with the traditional sippy). We are still nursing away four times a day. I am super grateful that her milk intolerance has let up a little so I can eat more dairy now with no ill effects! I have slowly been adding products made with milk into my diet. I still have not had regular milk or ice cream but dream of the day soon. We will wait a little while longer too until we give any dairy straight to Savvie. It's hard to figure out meals for a hungry babe who can't have cheese or yogurt, which are two staples for most older babies!

Fun and Games:
If her big brother is doing it, she loves it and wants to do it too. She has found a lot of interest in taking things out of bins and putting them into stuff. She is obsessed with taking the lunchboxes off of our little kitchen cart and crawling around with her little monogrammed Vera Bradley bag. I think we have a purse/bag/lunchbox obsession on our hands.  Her newest fun thing is getting into the toilet water! Yuck. It's a race to get the toilet flushed and lid down before she can get to it! She likes riding the horsey and any kind of song/movement combination. Savvie is very ticklish and laughs so hard/good when tickled. It's flat out adorable.

Dear Savvie,
This is such a fun age. I am so relieved that you are FINALLY sleeping through the night. Thank you, thank you, thank you for getting with the program. You are always so proud of yourself when you do something new or interesting. I'm proud of you too! We are having a lot of fun exploring foods, moving all around the house, shopping and sometimes sitting in the cart big girl style, and snuggling. You mostly just snuggle when you are nursing or super tired, but you are much more snuggly than your big brother was as a baby. You have started pulling out your hairbows but look so precious when you wear them, so I hope you will let me keep putting them in your hair. Speaking of hair, it's so hard to keep clean when you run your food through it at EVERY meal! But I still love you...all the way to the moon and back...and more than doughnuts.
Wishing I could hug and kiss you right this very moment while you're sleeping soundly,

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