Monday, January 5, 2015

Savvie Turns 6 Months Old!

Happy half birthday Baby Savvie!!! I can't believe our sweet girl has reached the half year mark. She is six months of sweetness.

We have a little sweet pea on our hands. This baby loves to smile. She has become mostly a happy baby. I would not say she is easy or laid back as she definitely needs a lot of attention poured on her. And usually she wants Mama. She is ticklish and likes to laugh when entertained. Savvie is still pretty happy with strangers. She has her fussy hour in the evenings right about 5 o'clock, so she really doesn't like anyone or anything then. Except Mama. Always Mama. Sometimes Daddy, thank goodness. Also, she loves her big brother. She is starting to be able to interact with him, so they can keep each other happy for a while. A little pet name I have for her is "Mookie." I have no idea why, but it just seems to fit her.

At her six month well check, she weighed exactly 16 pounds (~50%ile) and was 27.5 inches long (off the charts)! The nurse said her head circumference is finally on the charts which I guess means it's not quite so huge anymore. She is wearing size 3 diapers and clothes in 6 months or 6-9 months size.

Still no teeth! I keep feeling around in her mouth because she is chewing on her hands a lot lately, but no sign of any chompers. I'm okay with that. Savannah is starting to act like she wants to crawl. She currently gets around pretty much all over by rolling. It's quite an effective method. She is starting to sit up by herself. She is still a little wobbly but can hold it for a minute or two before toppling over.

When she's tired, she wants to be asleep immediately. She will pitch a fit if she's ready for a nap and not able to take one. Baby Savvie gets about two naps a day. She naps great in her crib, in the car, and in the Ergo still. She will not keep sleeping in the carseat once the car has stopped or if you remove her carrier from the car. We don't swaddle anymore but just lay her Aden and Anais muslin blanket over her. She will usually roll over immediately to her belly or side and pull the blanket up a little. It's almost exactly what her big brother used to do (and still does most times). Nighttime...well we have had some sleeping through the night experiences. Just a handful. Never a pattern. I usually nurse Savvie around 7:30 and then she goes to bed between 8 and 9. Her nighttime sleep is very random, so she will wake up once, twice or not at all. She then sleeps until 7:30 on average. If she wakes up in the night, I always nurse her. She is a piggy and will not go back to sleep without her milk.
She is an exact copy of my little cousin AvaRose at this age in this picture. 
S.K. had her first bites of solids a couple of days before Thanksgiving (and turning 6 months). We are trying out the baby led weaning (click on the link to learn more about it) with her. She doesn't quite have the pincer grasp (grabbing objects between index and thumb) so the first food experience didn't go as well as planned. I ended up putting some pieces into her little mouth, and she did well with it. She didn't get a lot the first couple of times, but she knew just what to do with the food. I would say she was on the fence about sweet potatoes, but she loved sitting in a high chair and playing with her food! She still nurses four times during the day and usually once in the middle of the night. She eats on demand which is just about every 4 hours.We have had to give her a bottle of breastmilk from my freezer stash a few times in the evening when she still seemed hungry.

Fun and Games:
Our girl likes pretty much all baby toys. She is starting to be interested in books. She delights in being tickled or blowing raspberries on her tummy. Savvie likes "flying" in the air. Her exersaucer is a happy place, especially when Camp runs around it like a nut. Big brother is a huge source of her entertainment, singing to her or dancing or just being goofy. Little Savvie still loves bathtime. She likes playing with the foam letters or bath book or any of the stacking cups.

Dearest Mookie,
You are my girl. I melt when you smile or laugh. I can't take it when you cry, so I wish you would just be happy all the time. We love it when you sleep through the night. It's amazingly awesome to see you play with your big brother. I think you really adore him, and he adores you. You are the perfect addition to our family. I'm so happy you're mine.

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