Monday, October 20, 2014

Savannah Kathryn is 4 Months!

Well, she turned four months old a few weeks ago. This post is super late due to some traveling and general crazies of living with an infant and an almost three year old. I'll try to remember what she was doing and all the details from when she actual turned four months, but some might overlap a little into her fifth month post!

Sweet girl LOVES attention! She will smile so big when you "ooh" and "ahh" over her adorableness. You have to really be over the top with it though, because she apparently wants to make sure you mean business when you tell her she's beautiful.  She has started laughing! You have to work for that too. The only times she has laughed is when I kiss her all over her neck under her chin. I love her little giggle.

At her four month well check, Savvie weighed 14 pounds 10 ounces which is the 70th percentile. She is trending like her brother measuring 26 3/4 inches long which is off the charts compared to other babies her age! Despite being so tall, she is wearing clothes in the size for her age. She is wearing 3 or 3-6 month outfits, but she does need a 3-6 month size for the footie pajamas. We are still rocking the size 2 diapers. Her feet measure about 4.5 inches long which I think means a size 2 shoe. I am just stuffing her toes into smaller ones though! #nowacceptingadorablefallandwintershoes

Our pediatrician says baby girl is advanced for her age! She was impressed with how strong Savvie is and how she pulls herself up to sitting when she has something to grab onto. She noted that she can basically tripod sit! If you stand her up in your lap and hold her under the arms, she is bearing weight really well. She has started moving around a little on the floor or her playmat. She will stay on her back for a moment and then rolls quickly to her tummy. She will wiggle and spin her little body all over the mat and often off of it. She has rolled over from tummy to back a few times, but she is quite happy staying on her belly.
We had some sleep regression at four months. She is still sleeping in the rock and play (in her room) at night, but she takes her naps in the crib. In the crib, she will roll over to her tummy to sleep. Now that she is rolling over, I will only swaddle her from the waist down. She generally has three to four naps a day, and she is ready for her milk dinner and bed by 7:30. It takes almost an hour to feed her then because she is so sleepy. She started waking up two times a night to eat and sometimes will want to play. I have found that the swing will put her back to sleep even though she is often wide awake after a midnight feeding. The pediatrician suggested that we let her cry it out now for the night wakings, but I am not quite ready to do that. It makes it even harder to try that since she shares a wall with Camp, and we certainly don't want them both awake at 3 am! Go to sleep, Baby Savvie!

Same as last month for the most part. She nurses five or six times a day, waking up once or twice to eat at night. She has gotten quite efficient so her nursing sessions during the day are quick, usually totaling about 15 minutes (or less). I'm a big fan of those short feedings. She still takes Prevacid for her reflux, and it seems to be under control now. She still spits up every few times after eating, but it is not as much and she is not in pain. Some days we will go an entire day without spit up! She generally makes up for it the next day by going through a handful of burp cloths. We have tried several times to give her a bottle of breastmilk. She is not a fan. She has taken it twice, but she is stubborn and just doesn't seem interested.

Fun and Games:
Savvie loves playing with (sucking on) her little kitten lovie when she's in her carseat. I got her a fancy stroller toy to hook to her seat so she can look in the mirror, chew on the teether, and crinkle the butterfly wings. She loves playing with toy keys and grabbing hanging toys on her playmat. She enjoys riding the horsey and is a huge fan of bathtime. Except the one time her daddy gave her a bath alone. She did NOT like that. Savvie really likes to sit in my lap and watch other people. So far she is a mama's girl, and she is content if mama is holding her or in her sight. Camp loves that she is starting to be a little more interactive. He likes to share her toys and give her hugs and call her "Bubbles." It's so awesome.

Dear Baby Savvie,
How can you already be four months old? This is happening way too fast! I am loving having a baby girl who is so sweet and happy. I just can't stop kissing you and cuddling you. You are such a smart and strong baby. I think you are trying to grow up faster so you can keep up with your big brother. You don't need to do that. Slow down and enjoy these moments (or at least let mommy enjoy them). I hope you won't do it forever, but I love the way you suck your thumb when you are tired. I love the way you roll over onto your side and then tummy to sleep. I love the way you look at me with such love and adoration as if I am your favorite, but you do the same to daddy which melts my heart. I love the way you let Camp smother you with hugs and don't complain a bit. I love that you will wear a headband or bow and usually keep it on. I love the way you splish and splash in the bathtub with such joy. I love you, my sweet baby girl.
Emotional Mommy

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