Monday, September 26, 2011

34 weeks and growing...

Today marks 34 weeks in my pregnancy! According to my pregnancy journal, today begins the "finishing period" of growth for Baby Camp as he prepares for his birth! That sounds like I will be growing a lot in the next several weeks as well.  I feel like I've grown enough already. One of the employees at our gym today said, "that baby is getting bigger and bigger." Thanks, man, I was unaware that I was starting to look like a pumpkin smuggler. At least I was at the gym, right? On a similar note, last week my cousin's 4 year old, Connor, tried to explain what "Balloon Belly" meant to me. He explained, "It's when you make your belly really big like yours!" I am just glad I have a good excuse for having a balloon belly without even trying.

I have my 34 week doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. Here's hoping that I've gained the perfect amount of weight and Camp is the perfect size. If so, I'll probably have to reward us both with a delicious milkshake. After all, I have to keep up my job of pumpkin smuggler!


  1. I'm excited to be your first (I'm sure of many) followers and commenters!! I look forward to reading about and seeing your baby adventures. I was actually cleaning out the guest room for your upcoming visit yesterday and found some notes you'd written, and it made me miss you so much! It was a nice reminder of our post-collegiate crazy years, and I'm sure this blog will preserve some wonderful memories for your family in years to come. Cheers!

  2. Yay! Soss is now a blogger!
    And you look beautiful, too. Love you!


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