So this post is over a week late, but I was very thankful during Thanksgiving week I promise.
We were major overachievers this year and decided to visit all of Camp's grandparents. On Tuesday before Thanksgiving, we packed up the car with the stroller, bassinet, and several Thanksgiving outfits. We waited for Camp to eat and headed out for Greenville. The trip was amazingly easy, and we made it all the way there without stopping. Camp slept the entire way, and we were very happy parents. Mom's photographer friend, Jack, set up his studio to take some professional pictures of Camp. I guess the kid slept all he was going to sleep on the ride, because he was wide awake and very unhappy for his photo session. You may get to see the resulting pictures one day! For now, you'll have to deal with our best attempts at photography.
We celebrated Thanksgiving Eve Eve with my mom and brother by eating mom's famous spaghetti. Camp experienced his first trip to Broadway Bagels on Wednesday, and he was a perfect angel. Thank you, Nonna, for taking such good care of us!
Wednesday afternoon brought the drive to Gaffney to visit my dad and crew. Coco, SherBear, Aunt Abbie and Uncle Tater were all so glad to see little Camp! He even got to meet his bonus great-grandmother, Crock Crock. It turns out that Camp is a nice turkey frying assistant, too.
After a delicious Thanksgiving meal in Gaffney, we got back in the car and headed on the scenic route to Augusta. We made it about halfway before we had to stop to change and feed Camp. He fell asleep again shortly after that! We stayed in Augusta with Jonathan's parents, Mimi and Grandad, for two nights. Camp got to sleep in the same sweet bassinet that his daddy slept in when he was a baby. Aunt Brooke and Uncle Gary got to visit with us, and Jonathan got to go deer hunting with the men. Our little hunter stayed home but finally got to wear his camo, too!

Saturday after Thanksgiving was GAMEDAY, so we drove back home to watch the Carolina/Clemson game. Naturally, Camp geared up in his Gamecock attire. We made a quick stop in Columbia so little Cocky could meet his great-grandfather, Honey. Even though the USC win over Clemson was great, nothing beats seeing two of your favorite people in the world snuggled up together! It was a fantastic end to a wonderful holiday trip. I am so very thankful.