Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Savvie is ONE!

Baby Savvie celebrated her first birthday on May 28, 2015! I cannot believe how fast that year went. My little girl is ONE!

Sassy Savvie! She can certainly be a handful but is usually happy if you give her snacks, water or her brother! So far, she is a good listener when you tell her no.  Savvie is pretty "go with the flow." She adapts pretty easily to our plans. Her smile and giggles are infectious. She is fairly adventurous and doesn't seem cautious like her big brother was at this age. We have to keep a pretty good eye on her!

Savvie is 31 1/4 inches long (90-95%) and weighs 21 pounds 2 ounces (60%). She is wearing size 4 diapers now and mostly wears size 12 months clothes. I need to get her foot professionally measured, but she has been wearing a size 4 shoe. Her little foot is still kind of chunky on the top so a lot of shoes don't fit!
She was about the size of that pillow when she was born!

Our girl is full on walking now! She can walk, climb, clap, wave, and tackle hug. Savvie has four teeth- two on the bottom and two on the top (but not the front teeth). She still doesn't say any words but the pediatrician isn't concerned at this point. She is learning how to throw a ball.

Sleep is about the same as last month. Sweet girl will usually sleep about 12 or 13 hours at night! She has started (finally) playing in her crib and talking to herself for a while when she wakes up. We still aim for two naps a day, and the naps are both about 1 or 1.5 hours long.

I have been adding in more foods with milk, and she seems to be doing fine with them. We will continue to add dairy into her diet as long as she has a good reaction. Her current favorite foods are: waffles, bananas, carrots, crackers, hot dogs, and blueberries. She is still nursing four times a day so we won't introduce any other milk just yet. *We gave her a smash cake at her party on May 30 and she hated even having it on her tray. She didn't want to try it and wasn't interested when I put icing in her mouth.

Fun and Games:
Now that the weather and water has warmed up, Savvie likes (not quite loves) the splash pad and pool. She doesn't like being in her float though! At the park, she loves going down and climbing onto slides, swinging, and just walking around. She loves phones and will grab a phone from you in a heartbeat. Big brother is still her main form of entertainment. It takes a lot of pressure off of me that she is happy to just follow him around and do whatever he does! They sure do love each other and usually play together very happily.

Dear Savannah Kathryn,
Happy first birthday Savvie!!! I can't believe you are already one. It has been a fun year watching you grow and learn. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are the best daughter. God has blessed our family with you. You make our sweet family complete. I pray that you will continue to be healthy and grow up to know Jesus. Thank you for being such a sweet baby. I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck. All the time. Forever and ever.

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