Saturday, March 14, 2015

Savvie is Nine Months Old!

Here we are at three quarters of a year old: nine months! I seriously have such a hard time believing that this little baby is already 9 months old. And she still acts like a newborn at times (mostly at night of course). Maybe I need to get rid of all her cute owl stuff because it seems like she is identifying too much with the night owl idea and just likes to party in the dark. But even with the sleepless nights, she is pretty much the sweetest and cutest of all babies in the world.
Starting to look so grown up!

Savvie is still super sweet and mostly happy. She loves her mommy, daddy, and big brother. She is starting to laugh more when something delights her. So far she hasn't had much separation anxiety.  Sometimes she will fuss a little if I leave the room but she has been content to be left in the nursery at church or with her daddy when I have to run an errand.

The numbers are in from her 9 month checkup! Savvie weighs 17 pounds 9 ounces (a little under the 50% mark), and she is 29 inches long (95%). The pediatrician thinks her little weight gain is due to the fact that she is crawling and moving everywhere so she is burning off all her food. We are still using size 3 diapers and probably will be for a while. Sweet girl is mostly wearing 9 month clothes.

This baby has figured out crawling up stairs. After a playdate with our buddies Gretchen and Micah, she mimicked the big kids and crawled up the two stairs going to the kitchen at Jampa and SherBear's house! One day back at home, she crawled up on a breakfast tray that Camp was playing with and then fell right off.  She has also improved her cruising skills so she gets around pretty well. After a little lesson from her boyfriend Stafford at his first birthday party, Savvie has started clapping! She doesn't usually get her hands to connect so it's more like swatting at air, but she has the general idea and it's adorable. On the day before she turned 9 months, a tooth finally poked through. It's the left bottom middle tooth. She has been a little fussier about it than Camp was about teething. She was up and crying in the middle of the night, and we couldn't figure out why...felt in her mouth...and there it was, all white and sharp and causing her pain!
She's even reading! ;-)

Basically we are at the same place with sleep as last month. She just doesn't seem to be a great sleeper. She's not a horrible sleeper though, so we count our blessings! 0:-) I am happy that she usually gets two naps in the day that are about an hour each.

Savannah Kathryn LOVES her table food!!! She gobbles up everything we give her. Three of her newest foods are corn, turkey, and black beans. We haven't tried any cheese or yogurt since she has had the dairy sensitivity. I will be slowly adding dairy back into my diet to see how she does first. She has started trying out water from a sippy cup. We are starting to add in table food at breakfast and lunch since dinnertime is such a favorite. Baby Girl still nurses like a champ too, usually four times during the day and once in the night.

Fun and Games:
Some things she loves: swinging in her swing on the back deck, eating puffs off the coffee table, pulling toilet paper off the roll, holding her lotion bottle while getting a diaper change, being worn in the Ergo, music (she waves her hands around and tries to dance), and trying new foods.  She enjoys opening doors and drawers, pulling up, and getting attention/hugs/kisses/tickles. She is starting to be more interested in books and reading.
Goofing off with big brother

Dear Savvie Girl,
Happy 9 months to my sweet baby! Your laugh is infectious. Your smile lights up my world.  I hope you keep loving all your foods and keep loving to nurse with Mommy. Will you try to keep your bows in your hair please? Every day you do something new to make my heart happy. I hope we will always have a close relationship. You and your brother mean so much to me. Your Daddy and I are so blessed to spend every day with you.

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