Sunday, February 1, 2015

Seven Months Savvie

Savvie is now closer to her first birthday than her birth day. It makes me sad that my baby is growing and changing so fast. It also makes me happy because that's a little closer to her hopefully sleeping better and hopefully growing out of her milk sensitivity and my being able to eat dairy again! During the last month, Savvie celebrated her first Christmas! Here are some updates about what our little cutie has been up to lately:

Sweet Savvie is still all about the attention. She has become enamored with her big brother, Camp, so she is usually content just to watch him do his thing. He will try to make her happy by giving her toys, acting silly for her, and saying, "It's okay, Sabbie." She just can't take her eyes off him when he is around. It's very cool that I am not the only one that can entertain her during the day.
She is also quite the drama queen. She is super sensitive, and she cries so loud each and every time she bonks her head or has even the tiniest crash. Camp was much tougher than most babies, so this is new to us. She is very much our crybaby about everything.

I estimate the little lady to be about 17 pounds (we did try to weigh at home so that's fairly accurate) and 28 inches. She's wearing 6 and 6-9 months clothes and size 3 diapers. Her socks all seem too small so I think she's going to have big feet like mama.

Savvie is sitting up!!! She can bring herself to sit up on her own too. She can play so well with all of her toys while sitting up. When we change her diaper on the changing table, she rolls onto her belly and gets up on all fours! On the floor, she has made a few movements that look like swimming/pre-crawling but she doesn't move yet. I'm just not ready for it! The girl still has no teeth. We are working on baby sign language, waving, and clapping. She waved ONE time on our trip to the aquarium but that was it for that. She is not saying any words and really doesn't babble much.

Oh my. We were doing okay with nighttime sleep earlier this month, usually waking just one time a night and a few times not at all. Then, right before Christmas she decided that she is a night owl and wants to stay up late with mommy and daddy. She would have her night nursing session and then scream when I put her to bed. She was happy as could be if I brought her back out to the den, so we just went with that. She stays up until 10 or 11 pm just playing and hanging out. Then she will go right to sleep, wake up one time during the night (early am) to nurse, and continue sleeping until about 8:30 am. It's pretty exhausting. I'm ready for the sleeping through the night phase to begin. I like sleep. Apparently much more than my baby girl enjoys it.  Luckily she is still napping decently. If we are home, she will nap two times in her crib. Each nap is about 1.5-2 hours. She likes little catnaps on the go as well. I'm pretty sure she would sleep all day in the Ergo right cozy with me if I let her. But I won't...because then she really wouldn't sleep at night.

This baby loves her food! She is doing really well with solids. The foods we have tried so far are sweet potatoes, avocado, banana, french fries, and green beans. She is still working on the pincer grasp but she can grab a handful and try to get some into her mouth. We help her with it most times. She nurses 4-5 times a day, and that is going really well. I tried a slice of cheese pizza though, and she didn't react well to that (very fussy and did not sleep well), so she's not ready for true dairy yet. I have been able to eat some foods that have a little milk in them though.

Fun and Games:
Savvie is loving the exersaucer and her jumperoo. She loves her doorway Johnny Jump Up too. She would much rather be held than be left alone. She loves dance parties. She got a little musical house for Christmas that is quite a hit. Bathtime remains a favorite, and now that she is sitting up she has discovered all the toys and bath items that can become toys. We are just having a blast.

Dearest Savvie,
I love you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. You are such a joy with your cute little smile and the way you get so excited about food. You are starting to be a daredevil by getting on all fours on your changing table. Please don't hurt yourself! You are unpredictable with your mood and sleeping habits, but it adds some extra excitement to our day. I think that's just what being a girl is all about. Your brother just adores you too. He wants to include you in his play, and it's the sweetest thing to see the bond between the two of you. Keep working on the whole sleep thing. I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck, all the time, forever and ever. Did I ever tell you that your great-grandmother Kaki used to say that to me all the time? She was amazing, and she would just love you to pieces too.
Mommy/Mama/the one who can't bear to hear you cry

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