Sunday, August 18, 2013

One, Two, Buckle My...

My wonderful and dear grandmother Kaki used to repeat this little rhyme with me when I was a little girl. I am so glad I can pass on this "tradition" with Camp, and I know Kaki would be so proud of our little guy!

At just 21 months old, Camp call fill in the words. He is soaking up every big and small thing we are teaching him (and some we're hoping he won't pick up on), so his vocabulary is growing each day. He got somewhat distracted during the filming of this because of course I had to do several retakes due to lighting and camera interruptions. This was my favorite, but please excuse the wild videographer spins. You'll just swoon over the ending!

What songs, chants, or rhymes do you like to share with the little ones in your life?

1 comment:

  1. Aww, he is too sweet! Y'all are doing a great job!

    We sing "you are my sunshine" to Millie and now she sings it to herself. :)


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