Wednesday, August 29, 2012

One Dollar Wednesday: Chenille Stems

Happy Hump Day everyone! Today's fabulous project is easy, fun, colorful, and once again, only costs one dollar. I got this idea from Pinterest and have catalogued it as "Kid Friendly." All you need is a pack of chenille stems (the politically correct term for pipe cleaners) and a kitchen colander. Both are available for a buck at the dollar store, but you probably already have a colander in your cabinet. Give the materials to your little one and...
ABRACADABRA: Bowl with Holes Activity

For your toddler and preschool age children, putting the stems in the different holes is great fine motor skill practice. If you use a colored assortment of pipe cleaners, they can sort them by color and follow directions to put specific colors in the holes. They can also create their own masterpieces with the supplies! For Camp (age 9.5 months), I put some of the chenille stems in the holes, and he was eager to pull them all out. He really enjoyed that process.

 Playing with the colander by itself was fun too!
And because all kitchen pieces keep the babe entertained and some of you probably require more pictures...

Several years ago, I found a magazine with directions on how to make cute little pipe cleaner animals. I would love to do this for my new little Kindergarten Sunday School class and also for the Campster. I found a decent how-to for some animal creations here.

Now, if you're not in need of ideas to keep children stimulated at bay, then here's a way you can use pipe cleaners for your home needs.
Now you have three very cool ideas for how to use a one dollar package of chenille stems. Go forth and make fun with pipe cleaners!

1 comment:

  1. The no slip hanger idea is great! Camp looks so cute standing up in the kitchen. What a big boy!


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