Monday, June 18, 2012

Of Solids and Sippy Cups

About a week after Camp turned 5 months old, we introduced solids into his diet. By solids, I mean very mushy, pureed foods that are not milk. Jonathan likes to point out that the term "solid food" is used very loosely. The very first thing he ate was rice cereal mixed with breastmilk. After a couple of months of staring at every morsel of real food with a longing desire, he was so excited to try a new taste and use a spoon. He was a big fan.

 Since then, we have tried several more new "flavors" of mush. As I am quite sentimental, I have captured every new eating experience with the camera or video camera. I keep hoping to get a really funny first reaction to the foods, but Camp is very polite when trying new things.  I think the first few bites are usually just a matter of him trying to get to the food more than actually taking the time to taste it fully. Here are just a few of his eating firsts.
First carrots

First sweet potatoes
First peas
First time in his highchair

Out of everything he has tried, Camp's favorite food seems to be sweet potatoes. He just seems more eager to finish his meal when he has sweet potatoes in the bowl. He does not seem to care very much for avocado. It's the only thing he has tried that he did not finish.

I had hoped to make all of his baby food with fresh ingredients. So far, I have not. The jarred stuff seems to suit him just fine, and it is fast, easy, and convenient. Homemade baby food is still a goal of mine, but if the fresh avocado that I prepared for him is any indication, Camp might prefer the store bought variety.

The pediatrician gave us the go ahead to give Camp a sippy cup with some water, so I picked out the perfect starter cup and knew Camp would love it! He grabbed hold of the handles and went for it. He seemed to know exactly how the cup worked, but he wasn't so good at getting any water from it. Then, when he finally got some liquid out, he decided that water was just not for him. Guess we'll keep trying!

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