Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2 Months of Baby Love

Camp had his 2 month check-up with the doctor on Tuesday, January 10. Besides an umbilical hernia and a minor adhesion with his little boy parts, he was given the status of "PERFECT!" He measured in at 23.5 inches long (75%), a whopping 13 pounds 10 ounces (90%), and head circumference of 41 cm (~90%). I was a little surprised that he has only grown 2 inches since his birthday because it seems like he is SO much bigger. I guess that change comes in with his gain of close to 6 pounds! My little guy got two immunization shots, one in each leg, and he took it pretty well. He was quite the trooper and had the Tweety Bird band-aids to prove it. I am so proud of him.

Mr. Camp has been making the most adorable sounds these days, and he seems to really enjoy hearing himself talk. One of my favorite things now is listening to him "play" and entertain himself in his crib. He is delighted with himself! He has been purposefully smiling for a few weeks now, and he melts my heart with every grin. I keep trying to capture these beautiful moments on camera or video, but he is a little shy in front of the camera. Hello, Hidden Camera in the Teddy Bear trick! :-)

Hobbies: Watching the Gamecocks win football games, drooling, trying to Houdini his way out of a good swaddle, laughing at Daddy's funny faces, looking in the mirror by the changing table during diaper changes, making his parents fall more and more in love with him each day

Here are a few shots I was able to get for his 2 month milestone:

1 comment:

  1. Katie,

    Camp is precious. My youngest girl Rachel had an umbilical hernia when she was Camp's age and has had no issues with it since then. She really just grew out of it. Enjoy every minute that you can with him since they grow so quickly. I'm about to hit the potty training stage with Rachel now since she is almost 19 months, so you will see time flies by. God bless you and your sweet family!




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