Anyway, moving on...
How far along? 22 Weeks
How big is baby? The book says baby is about the size of a small grapefruit- between 13 and 16 ounces! Baby is about 7.5-8 inches from crown to rump :-)
Maternity clothes? Haven't tried my regular jeans on lately but pretty sure they wouldn't fit now...mostly just wear yoga pants or leggings or jeggings now. I have worn a couple of maternity shirts as the regular ones are getting kind of short! I'm so grateful to friends who have loaned or passed on their maternity clothes...but I still need a good pair of jeans that fit.
Sleep: I lost a lot of sleep during the whole stomach bug thing but was able to rest a lot over the weekend while Jonathan played with Camp. As long as I stay asleep, I am good, but if I wake up (or am woken up), I can't go back to sleep.
Best moment this week: Camp and I both recovered from the bug!
Movement: Oh yeah. This baby is way more active now than Camp ever was in the womb. It's really cool but so weird at the same time. He or She is mostly active (or at least I noticed it) at my bedtime or in the middle of the night.
cravings: Last week was doughnuts! Haven't had much craving this week due to the above mentioned virus, but I did really want ice chips and slushies. Cured that with a Route 44 Powerade Slush from Sonic. Stay hydrated they say!
Food Aversions: Not really (aside from the obvious last few days)
Gender: Still a big question mark here!!!
Pregnancy Symptoms: Another bad acne breakout; can't squeeze through spaces I used to be able to!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Nothing today...
What I am looking forward to: Seeing the baby again this week and hopefully finding out if we're having a boy or girl!
Upcoming appointments/events: I'll have my 22 week appointment and another ultrasound on Thursday.
Weekly Wisdom: Avoid the stomach bug at all costs!
Milestones: Camp is now a happy Camper in his big boy bed in his big boy room...time to work on the nursery!