Camp turned 7 months old on June 11! We are getting pretty close to 8 months, so I think it's time for this post.
These monthly picture are getting near impossible with Mr. Piggly Wiggly. |
Camp is not giving away the smiles quite as easily to strangers. However, if you smile really big at him or say something complimentary to him, he will usually flash you a grin. He has been unusually fussy the last few weeks in the church nursery and in the gym childcare. I assume he's having some separation anxiety. He is still very glad to be left with or held by anyone, but I guess he has some time limitations set for himself on "stranger" bonding. Now that he can do more on his own, he can entertain himself for long spurts of time. Lately, most of that involves him moving and exploring constantly.
I suspect Camp is close to weighing 20 pounds and might be 29 inches long. It doesn't seem like he's grown much in the last month, but his carrier is getting very hard for me to transport. He is mostly wearing 9 months clothes, but his 6 months onesies still fit him!
I'm growing past you, Mr. Owl. |
Camp is on the move! He is much more stable with sitting up, but he won't sit there for long because he's scooting and belly crawling all over the place. He has built up the skills over the last few weeks, but he can even crawl over pillows and gets himself wherever he wants to go. At first, he mostly just did a helicopter move where he would use his arms and legs to rotate himself around on his tummy. He would scoot a few feet forward and sometimes backwards. He also figured out how to "crab walk" where he would use his legs to push himself backwards on his back. At a week shy of 8 months, he is still moving with both his arms and legs, but he keeps his belly on the floor. I am quickly learning how much energy it takes to keep up with him now, and I also think we need baby gates!
Let's get out of here! |
Camp's sleep habits continue to stay the same. He wakes up between 6 am and 7 am, usually takes three naps a day, and goes to bed about 8 pm. He still wakes up in the night about once a week or so.
We are still breastfeeding, and I'm so proud of our accomplishment with that!!! Camp nurses 4 times a day. He eats veggies, fruit, or rice cereal/oatmeal along with his lunch and dinner milk. He has also tried out Baby Mum Mum's (a rice rusk cracker type treat) with his taste buds. I don't think it had enough flavor for his liking, but we'll keep trying. We go 4 to 5 hours between feedings during the day, so we have a lot more flexibility with our activities now. My son definitely takes after me with eating...give it to me and give me plenty of it!
I'll try anything. Even this chalkboard has a good flavor. |
Playing and Fun:
Like I said, now that he's crawling around, this is his main form of play. He mostly likes to outsmart (or maybe outrun) his mom as he tries to go after cords, electronics, and flip flops. Our favorite game now is wrestling on the bed or couch. Camp laughs so hard when I lift him up and "drop" him down on the pillows or cushions. I never thought I would enjoy roughhousing like that with him, but it really has become our thing. He definitely enjoyed playing on the beach, and I hope we can take him a few more times this summer. It has been too hot for us to walk with the stroller in the neighborhood, so Camp has to settle for riding in the grocery cart or taking a stroll in the mall. His new favorite toy: a straw. Also, I made him three different discovery bottles out of old formula bottles we had from the hospital. I put small colorful beads in one, clear and white stones in one, and water with red glitter in one. He seems to really like rolling and shaking the three bottles. I'm excited to see what other household items we can turn into toys and learning experiences!
Having fun with cousin AvaRose |
Dear Sweet Camper,
You are mommy's joy. I feel incredibly blessed to love on you every day. I wish I could freeze time so we could keep you as a baby for longer, but God has great plans for you which include growing up. Let's enjoy every moment we have together while you are growing strong and learning about the world around you. Keep smiling, laughing, and loving!