Dear Camp,
You are three months old today, February 11, 2012. I am kind of emotional lately as I think about how fast you are growing up. You amaze me each and every day with something new or special that you do. Today you slept in a little, and when you started to wake up you were so happy and delighted. You wanted to talk and make sweet little noises to show me that you woke up on the right side of the crib. I told you that it was because you are excited to be 3 months old now.
Mimi and Grandad were visiting this weekend, and we all did anything and everything to get you to smile. It didn't take much because you are showing off your precious grin all the time these days. It is one of those smiles that makes my day over and over again. There is no such thing as a bad day when Camp smiles for you. Keep that up, baby boy.
A few things about you at 3 months...
You are happier than ever now! You grin and full on smile a lot, laugh a little, and drool all the time! Okay, so drooling is not really about personality, but since we were on the subject of your mouth...
You are generally happiest in the morning. You like to play with others, but you also really enjoy your alone time play. You still have great "company manners" when we have visitors or go out somewhere. For this and many other reasons, you are a HIT with everyone, everywhere! However, you can get pretty grumpy in the evenings (9 o'clock seems to be the peak fussy hour) or when you are really tired. The good news is that it usually only lasts about half an hour, or until you eventually fall asleep! We really love our HAPPY Camper.
Good... |
Not so good... |
According to mommy's measurements, you are about 24.5 inches tall and weigh about 16 pounds. You are wearing size 2 diapers. You have outgrown all of your 0-3 months clothes and most of your 3 months outfits. Mommy is trying to get one more wear out of everything because it's hard to let go! You fit best in 3-6 months or 6 months clothes now. It will be time to go shopping for spring outfits very soon. I am pretty excited for picking out some new things for you to wear!
One Week Old |
Three Months Old |
Along with growing bigger, you are also growing a lot stronger. You can hold your head up really well now, and you can sit up with support. You have started to sit in the Bumbo, and you love pulling yourself to sitting position in someone's lap. Your legs are very strong and sturdy. You can stand up for several minutes if someone is holding you under your arms. You would rather stand up than sit or lay down. I think you will be an early walker. When you are lying on your tummy, you can sometimes push yourself to roll over to your back. It is really cool! Daddy tells me that you have rolled from your back to your tummy while holding his hand, but I haven't seen it happen yet. I will have the video camera ready for that trick! You have started sticking out your tongue a lot lately. It's funny to see that little tongue trying to discover new things. You are starting to recognize your name, make good eye contact, make a lot of different vowel/cooing sounds, and can focus on one thing for quite a while. Your grip is really good, and your favorite thing to grab and pull is my hair...ouch! I am excited to see what new skills you will pick up this month.
See my tongue? |
Keepin' my chin up |
Hey y'all! |
You have been sleeping in your crib for about a month. This past week, you slept through the night for 4 out of 6 nights! You go to bed about 11:30 pm, and can sleep as late as 7:30 am (although 7 is the average wake up time). You usually take a really great nap in the morning and a few shorter naps throughout the day. We are starting to swaddle you less and less because you just wiggle your way out of the tight wrap. When your arms and legs are free, you sleep sprawled out to take up as much space in the crib as possible. You often "rock" yourself to sleep by turning your head from side to side. Your Uncle Lou did the same thing to get to sleep! I hope you will continue to be a good sleeper because it helps you grow!
You are still nursing only, and you seem to enjoy Mommy's milk. You eat 6-7 times a day. Your doctor told us that we will talk about starting on rice cereal at our 4 month appointment, but we can start earlier if you need more to eat. So far, you are doing well with just milk. Mommy is happy because it's a special time for us to spend together and it's free :-)!
Playing and Fun:
Right now, you are really interested in watching people (and studying designs on blankets/shirts/pillows). I have been trying to teach you that it's not nice to stare, but I think you can get away with it for now. You especially love gazing at Mommy (yay!) and Daddy. I got you a floor mat to play on, and you love batting at the rattle hanging from it. It is the only toy you can reach for now, but I suspect you will be getting some more surprises very soon. You love making sounds back and forth with Daddy. It is so fun to watch you play with him! You also really enjoy handling your burp cloths and piggy cuddle cloth. You like to hold them in your hands and put them in your mouth. "The Wheels on the Bus" and counting in Spanish (and other languages) are some of your favorite things to hear Mommy sing. Daddy makes up songs that you seem to really like, too. His top hit goes like this, "Where's Mr. Camp? Where's Mr. Camp? I'm Mr. Camp (pointing your hands to you), and I'm right here!" We have started playing Peek-a-boo with your blankets or burp cloths, and you always get a kick out of that game. Speaking of kicking, you continue to love kicking your legs. We practice swimming, riding the bike, and running. I wonder if you will be a great athlete one day!?! We have had to limit having the T.V. on in the house because you LOVE to
stare at watch the television. I am pretty sure I can teach you your letters with "Wheel of Fortune" when the time comes! Other things you like are taking walks in the jogging stroller, swinging in your big swing, riding in the car, and letting me take a lot of pictures of you. Okay, so that last one is a stretch.
I pray for you everyday. I cannot seem to give you enough kisses in a day. My, oh my, how much I love you, little Camper. As my grandmother Kaki used to say to me, "I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck, all the time, forever and ever." XOXO